
Hy-toppin is not a style but a life

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

best poker quote ever

"Poker is merciless.
Poker is a game of money and deception. The consequences are always deserved. The penalties go to the weak--the rewards go to the strong. The loser dissipates his time and money. The winner earns satisfaction and money. But what is the net result of poker? Is it merely time consumed and money exchanged with nothing positive produced? Is the net result a negative activity?

Poker exposes character ... poker is a character catalyst that forces players to reality. Those who evade thinking and act on whims cannot escape the penalties. Those who use their minds and act on logic are rewarded. The results are clear and true: The lazy evader loses--he can never fake success. The thinking performer wins--he is always rewarded.

The good poker player functions rationally. He views all situations realistically. With objective thinking, he directs his actions toward winning maximum money. He pits the full use of his mind against the unwillingness of his opponents to think. Thus, the good player cannot lose.

In poker, a person is on his own. He must act as an individual. No one will help him. Success depends on the rational use of his mind. Success depends on exercising his positive qualities and overcoming his negative qualities. Success depends on him alone. In poker, a person can function entirely for his own sake. The results are his own. The loser makes himself a loser. The winner makes himself a winner.

Monday, January 15, 2007

hot chocolate/ defense contractors in iraq

When I was a small child I would obsess about carnation instant cocoa mix, and I hated any other type of cocoa; this cold patch of weather has proved that it only takes a piece of weather to imbibe the brain with subtleties of remembrance, walking through the cigarette tree of life struggling with every minor decision, waiting to exhale the truth of all the time wasted in whining pity, and inaction. A strange brew indeed fro a night of freezing rain, helped by marked indifference to trends of disorder. Thinking about how my father has given everything he has, and what I have given him, No grandchildren and no pride, and not even a guarantee that I can help him in his old age...I fell like a failure that has squandered all his potential at thirty, due to my own lack of motivation...I would kill for a cup of hot carnation coco right now, full of the good feeling of being six; a cup filled the good will of youth...maybe I could go work in the plastic mines of Africa, shaking all the plastic out of the big nets filled with blood diamonds..and big shards of plastic to be melted down to the thousands of useful items. I fell that I'm on the wrong side of the capitalism equation right now, as their are only victims and the victimized...like the people at Titian who hired many interpreters who were unqualified to translate in Iraq...I'm not making sense right now so I'm going to sleep. I will have a part two to this blog...

what a shitty night, but a usefull one perhaps

Man, degenerate gambling is not what its cracked up to be, and tonight I just feel kind of stupid fro getting wrapped up in it in the first place. Some nights plying cards one feels like the insides of aunt bee's bunion pads, and the only real mistake I made to night was calling with a k9, they call that hand the sawmill, so yeah all the rest of the time tonight I had way the best hand and my opponents caught up. Well, that is until the end of the night and I just stated playing like a mannequin eyes gauged out by the mafia over some bad debt. If I can conquer that tilt factor, perhaps I will make money one day. I just need to figure out how to focus more. I just know with my slim profit, if I can keep my hot little eyes off the internet, that I made in the live games last year I can improve. Enough on my gambling problem. I have a bad case of the I's tonight...I...I...I...I. It's cold outside and icy; a night filled with trepidation and whispering, while I keep concluding the issue with big words and lost catch phrases that were spoken on some television show captured by my eyes when I was young. "I love it when a plan comes together." Hannibal from the A-Team. I had a little setback on the quitting smoking issue, but life is a series of little wars and I can't win every one, but due to the price of smokes, I will have to continue to try to quit. I shall crown the day Tuesday. Lou Reed said it best."Sometimes to be really hip you have to know when to slow down." Or something to that effect...What kind of country do we live in that Star Jones cellulite is a topic of tabloids; come on what ever happened to Space aliens, from the planet pluto, were screwing Jenna Bush, on the oval office steps or something at least mildly interesting, but some poor old ladies flabby stomach. I challenge any fifty year old to come up and do better...I see it now come one come all, for the first annual seniors flat belly contest, and maybe I could get Dick Clark, Ed McMahn, and Alan Alda, to be my celebrity judges, but I just think Dick and Ed would just get flustered by that whipper snapper ,Alan Alda, who weighs in at a forever young sixty-one...Enough for now kids. Salah...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

man smoking rules...no matter what anyone says but....

Smoking is one of my favorite activities, but as it takes more and more a toll on my health; I can see the advantages to letting the habit fall by the wayside, like parachute pants or Napster. It will always be a part of my upbringing though; its strange how vices become a part of ones character after a while. A thing I will never miss about smoking is getting sick at every weather change, as coughing fits that last hours are never all that glamourous, unless your into some really weird gay biker beat-down fetishes, but I digress. A sidebar about Clint Eastwood life-size posters as the silent man from the Good, The Bad , and The Ugly is really not correct here, but I likes much; he never got sick from-smoking, and he smoked in every goddamn movie until nineteen-eighty one. So, we will see, if I choose to die from smoking, or some other silly vice, as a man usually chooses his poison, but as a hero of mine says,buy the ticket take the ride. A quickie, but it would be hilarious, if I was one of those people who, die from smoking, after they quit...I doubt it though, as I've always been lucky...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I'm such a cool person that no-one can get a hold of me or read my blog due to the fact that it would burn their retinas with the coolness of my eyes or my smile. I'm such a cool person that I hold on to my past football glory until it never rings true except in the ears of the alumni at the dinners that no one remembers due to the scotch whisky and glasses of pilsner, sweet rice beer from the paddies of Vietnam. Except that I never played football and was never into drinking all that much. So, where does that leave me broken and old? Except, I'm not that old and only partially broken so begs the question of where I fit in? I saw the sign above the University of Texas that says," Practice winning every day." I guess as the universe shines her light upon me I will sit here in my hole and practice.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

musik rules along with mediocrity

So its been a Turkey day extravaganza up here @ the old ranch of nightmares full of load people and barking dogs and full of soft pick adjectives which will be discussed @ a later juncture, along with my obsession with abbreviation. I just figured out that I work better on things when I am able to work on fifteen things @ a time...kind of like a roadrunner on speed.

Monday, November 20, 2006

role models

Nothing is like the moment, when the lies you have been telling yourself, become apparent as lies, but that only happens when receptors of ones mind are open to the right universal frequency..Like when I saw Boyz in the Hood with my father and it made me think about how good I really had it, because all I had to dodge warrior rednecks with beer bottles, rather than crack dealers with automatic weapons, still feel sorry for myself sometimes as I have too little adversity or challenges to deal with in my life, so I tend to create my own adversity sometimes, but people who never learn how to curb that impulse live very short lives on average..I'm working on discipline..Ice Cube said it best, "I ain't no mutherfuckin role model"

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Gambling fever dreams/weirdness from the velvet rut

Insomnia is my new girlfriend all wrapped in her dreamy inequity...Jealous of all the sleepers getting their eight hours of curds and whey. I also just learned that Austin is a velvet rut all wrapped in her cocoon of part-time, excellent, so with fifty-one weeks left in my thirtieth year, I find myself thinking how the velvet rut started in my own life and why I got serious about playing cards. I was just bored mainly, but also a friend of mine, who was obsessed with video games, ended up getting a job in the gaming industry and it made me think about how I could play games for a living. If and only if I elevated myself into the top five percent of poker players so started practicing on the internet and found that I wasn't as good as I thought I was. That's a common trait with me though as I never am as good as I think I am, but like all things over time I have improved-I always thought that the devotion that one has to put into something to master it is akin to addiction-a slow obsessive burn until the pain becomes too great or the object of one obsession is mastered. The loosing keeps me up sometimes as I hate to loose. More than anything I hate to loose...It would be easier to win if I could sleep more than four house at a time. I haven't had a cigarette in three days so wish me luck...Monday, I start exercising to try to give myself some balance as playing good poker is all about discipline and if I institute it in one part of my life I am sure it will bleed over into others..

Moving out West

My people were degenerate wanderers from out Germany way and people of similar ilk found themselves wrapped up in California, safe in their vests of Kevlar, all based up with free samples of diet coke and asprecream. My Great Grandfather started In Mississippi, farming tobacco, but then an unfortunate war happened in 1861 which brought him to Texas...Texas is the rawboned land of the white trash...Professional in their vices. Memorialized only in their desire for their seed to have some education. Some option other than slaving on no vacation double shifts. My Granddad went on a camping vacation once and when he came back he lost half his clients to his main competition. That's why my father really disliked camping...Work is serious business.